Why You Need a Drone for Every Construction Project

Why You Need a Drone for Every Construction Project

Construction sites today look nothing like they did ten, or even five, years ago. Workers carry smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, and other trendy gadgets designed to streamline communication and increase safety. But the real must-have on every modern construction...
5 GIS for Facilities Management Myths Debunked

5 GIS for Facilities Management Myths Debunked

If you have read some of our previous posts about GIS for facilities management, you’re already familiar with the benefits of building and implementing a GIS. Even with the “pros” in front of them, facilities managers often find it hard to overcome...
Real-Time Asset Tracking in Hospitals

Real-Time Asset Tracking in Hospitals

Learn About our Facility Information Retrieval, Management, and Mapping System  Tracking Hospital Assets in Real Time Working in a hospital, asset tracking is a done on a minute-to-minute basis. From beds, computers, charts, medical supplies, and not to mention the...
GIS for Facility Management: The Big Questions

GIS for Facility Management: The Big Questions

Learn About our Facility Information Retrieval, Management, and Mapping System Implementing a GIS is a long-term commitment and should be a methodical, carefully thought-out process. If you put the work in up front, you’re sure to have a system that works for everyone...